Wednesday, April 01, 2009

City of Calgary to Install Pedestrian Cameras

The City of Calgary along with the Calgary Police Service have announced today a new program to install pedestrian monitoring cameras at locations where the current intersection safety "speed on green" cameras exist. The Intersection Safety Camera program now consists of 45 intersections monitored by 36 cameras throughout the City of Calgary. The new pedestrian monitoring camera system with be linked by a wireless network to a centralized computing centre where a high-powered supercomputer cluster will run cutting edge facial recognition software. The system will be linked to motor vehicle branches, local police, RCMP, and INTERPOL databases to access face photographs. In addition to monitoring for criminal activity, the system will automatically detect jaywalking, loitering, and panhandling. A positive facial match when a criminal or civil act is in action will result in photos and video recorded for prosecution. For civil charges a ticket will be sent out in the mail.

Should you require any further clarification please contact Sergeant Clive Marsh of the Traffic Section, at 403-567-4000. Please do not contact him for media inquiries, especially on or after April 1st!

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