Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Perogying Parliament

I believe that perogying parliament is the only option for our dysfunctional government. Everybody likes perogies. A cooling off period with snacks of yummy hot perogies is just what is needed. They are a diverse food that will bring harmony to parliament. Different fillings can be used for different likes and dislikes: from potatoes and cheese, to onions and bacon, to spinach and almonds, to strawberry chocolate dessert perogies. They can be boiled, baked, fried, or even microwaved for cooking purposes. I agree wholeheartedly with the Conservatives on perogying parliament. Even diverse parties like the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, and Bloc (sorry - no Greens allowed yet) can agree on the merits of perogying parliament. Perhaps sending bags of perogies to every household in Canada could bring about unity and provide economic stimulus to help lift Canada out of the worldwide economic downturn. I sincerely hope that Governor General Michaƫlle Jean will accept Prime Minister Harper's request for perogying parliament; however, it is still her perogy-tive.

Learn more about perogies:
wikipedia perogies
google perogy search

1 comment:

Fighting for Democracy said...

Free perogies for all and to all a good night!

Let the perogies prevail!