Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Political Crisis!!!!

We should keep this political crisis in perspective:

    Robert Mugabe is not holding on to power by dispatching killing gangs across the country

    Gulags do not exist in Canada

    There is no gross exploitation or persecution of minorities (except maybe persecution of Conservatives)

That being said, however, paraphrasing CBC mouthpiece Rex Murphy "Stephen Harper should never have pushed the metaphoric hand grenade down the pants of the opposition parties in the form of pulling their funding."

The reaction from the opposition parties was predictable, bring down the government or form a coalition government. There are no other viable alternatives.

The coalition is something that should not be permitted. There is no Canadian precedent for a three-party coalition government - let alone one with a separatist party holding the balance of power! The Bloc presence alone should be repugnant enough for the GG to refuse Dion's proposal.

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