Wednesday, May 18, 2005

And now for something completely different

I guess I have been concentrating my posts on Canadian politics a little too much. My brother says that I sound like a frustrated angry individual. I guess that is true, when I write the posts. I just find it hard to believe the antics, scandals, corruption, and....ooops there I go again.

On another note:
Steve Nash has shown he is truly an MVP. Now he just needs a little bit of support.
It is a best out of three now - series tied 2-2.

Suns in Seven!

1 comment:

Fighting for Democracy said...

One's emotion is a character trait. This is part of defining the type of person you are. Perhaps your brother would prefer you to be some kind of weak minded hollow character that won't stand up to fight.

Liberals are a social disease like the flu. They spread through empty promises and cause separation anxieties. Only real democracy is the cure!
As the Beastie Boys say "Fight for the right to Conservative Party!" :)